Difference between LL and CD


Full Member
Can anyone outline me the difference between the two diets. I have noticed that a couple of people have moved from CD to LL recently because??? What is the difference I cant seem to find anywhere that lists this. Thanks
im not 100% sure, but think it may be the councilling sessions that LL offer......which you MUST go to. They are group sessions (which i love) and really help you to understand your emotional hungers etc! Its also more expensive, and ive heard the shakes/soups taste alot better. (maybe personal preference) But i really like the LL products!
I haven't been on LL but looked into it. As far as I am aware through this forum CD has more choices in terms of shakes and bars (tetra ready to drink pack too). And it is cheaper than LL. I imagine LL is more expensive because I understand one has a counselling session of an hour (possibly in a group). Having said that those of us with great CDC's find they get good counselling simply by talking to their CDC. I always seem to spend 30 to 40 minutes when I get weighed at my CDC's and we talk about how I have done, how I can tackle the week ahead and how to deal with head stuff.
Hi, have been on both, on CD at the mo for financial reasons. I can add to the above that there may be more flavours available with CD but LL packs def. taste better! CD is higher in total calories if you are on SS; LL packs have 125 cals, CD have 137. The bars are the same. CD changed recently as per COMA guidelines (which recommended that VLCDs should not go beneath 600 cals daily I think), not sure what LL is intending to do re this. The re-feeding programmes for both differ hugely.

What are the difference with the re-feeding programmes
I chose CD because I dont have time to go to LL councilling sessions. Sometimes I work away from home and would have to miss them.