Do I wait until after my holiday?


Gold Member
Hi all,

I'm thinking of giving Dukan a try after trying and failing at everything else. The only thing is I have a holiday booked from 21st April for a week - so I'd have time to do Attack (8 days) and start Cruise, but I'm not sure that I want to be doing Dukan while on holiday. What should I do? On the one hand, I'd love to lose 7lbs before my holiday, even if I do have to re-lose it when I get back, but on the other hand part of me thinks maybe it's best just to wait until I get back and save up the freshness of it until then, to save "yo-yoing".

Please could those of you who have experience on the plan let me know what you think?

I have another holiday booked in June but think by then I could probably handle being in Cruise phase as I'd have had 4-5 weeks of it and learning to eat pp/pv.

Thanks in advance xxx
Personally I'd wait, you risk losing your water weight, putting yourself through what is quite a harsh transition from normal eating onto the diet, using up tons of willpower and then eating normally on holiday - putting the water weight back on AND (if you're anything like me) you'll suffer noticeable bloating as your body reacquaints itself with carbohydrates (not what you want on holiday!)

Get the book, prepare for when you get back and then start with no problems laying before you x
I did what alottolose has suggested. I brought the book to read on holiday. We also had wifi so I read quite a few peoples diaries from start to present & started the day after I got back from holiday. I knew if I started before, going on an all inclusive holiday I wouldn't be able to follow any plan :) Saying that though I think it made me more aware of what I was eating & drinking so I only gained 3lbs. Have a good holiday & you'll be prepared when you get back x
I agree with the girls above, get the book, read it while on holiday, enjoy your holiday and start when you get back!
Its a great diet so no point having a false start, go for gold the first time :D

Having tried (and failed :eek:) a few times myself, I ditto the above - get the book, read it on holiday and prepare yourself mentally for it. I really do think you'd struggle on holiday with it being so soon. Then when you get back from your hols you can commit 100% (which is what this diet needs!)

Enjoy your hols!
Thanks everyone, I shall wait til I get back and eat up all the non-dukan friendly foods in my house in preparation!

Already have the book on kindle and read it once, but will re-read in the meantime and on hols will work on reducing my carbs a little towards the end in preparation, if you think that's a good idea?

I wouldn't reduce your carb intake prior to starting the plan, (but I wouldn't binge either(,

without increasing your protein intake and including the oatbran etc you risk a too low caloric intake,

could put your body into starvation mode,

would make the attack phase seem lengthened
(which for mind and soul - you can do without!) x
I wouldn't reduce your carb intake prior to starting the plan, (but I wouldn't binge either(,

without increasing your protein intake and including the oatbran etc you risk a too low caloric intake,

could put your body into starvation mode,

would make the attack phase seem lengthened
(which for mind and soul - you can do without!) x

Thanks, I'm not planning to actually go carb-free, just to reduce the amount of sugars I eat to try and reduce headaches, sickness etc. as in the past on Atkins and Cambridge I found this helped me when I actually started to not have such bad "withdrawals"... won't be cutting them out completely, just down a bit over a couple of days at the end of my holiday, and I will eat more protein in place of the carbs on those days naturally anyway. Will just mean swapping pasta meals for chicken salad, that sorta thing!
Have a good holiday wannab and I'll read your journey when you return x
Hi Wannabeslim - agree entirely with all of the above - just enjoy your holiday and then commit 100% to Dukan when you get back - if you have successfully done CD and Atkins then you kinda have an idea of what you are committing to though personally I have found this one the best - not the easiest for sure but it suits me as I have lost my addiction to carbs and that is such a delightful feeling! Have a fab holiday and good luck with Dukan on your return - at your weight TW is only around the corner.