When I first seen my husband he was looking like a drowned rat in from the rain...
I looked at him and a voice in my head said..."your going to marry him"!
I bust out laughing as I thought it was hilarious as at the time I was in a fantastic relationship and madly in love and lust and riding high on cloud 9!!!!
Never could of imaged even being attracted to my husband as, just let's say he was not my type
We hold hands on the sofa watching television and he kisses me before going out to work every morning and when he is going back after lunch as he does not have far to go to work from here and he kisses me when he comes home in the evening...He tells me he loves me at least three times a day.
I asked him many years ago what he found romantic and he said..." They way you leave my clothes out on the bed ready for me after I have a bath....the way when I go to my drawers and everything freshly laundered and my shirts all ironed. The neat rows of polished shoes and everything just perfect"
I believe in Lust at first sight and i believe that you know after the first conversation whether they have relationship potential. But love? that comes later.