Do you have ICE?


Lives here....
I was thinking about this today. It's something I have plugged into my husbands number is stored under his name and under the acronym ICE which stands for "in case of emergency".

In the event of an accident or possibly something as simple as a lost phone, any paramedic or Good Samaritan can search ICE and come up with the number of your nearest and dearest. This is particularly relevant if you suffer from any medical conditions or are allergic to medications. Getting the quickest help possible can save a life.

If your phone is locked with a password, which many are, there are workarounds, for example apple iPhones have several apps available that will display emergency info on your lock screen.

The initiative is recognised by all emergency services both here and around the world. Today I was thinking about my phone lock and how it could inhibit this so looked up and found out about the available apps.

Does anyone else have this as a precaution? If not....maybe you should :)