Do You Remember.....


Slow but sure....
I have just been eating a cherry yoghurt - and I got to thinking about my childhood...

For a treat my mother always used to buy me a ¼lb of cherries off the market (when they were in season) and I used to love to look through the packet to find cherry 'earrings' - 2 cherries on one stalk that fitted just right over the ears - and I used to walk home home sucking on my cherries and wearing my cherry 'earrings', ha ha, the things we used to do, LOL.........

My children used to do the same with their cherries when they were young too.

Maybe we could make this 'Do You Remember' a weekly thread, it could be interesting........
Good grief - Spangles, I've not heard of those for year's Jaylou, I liked them too, I used to stick my tongue in the little hollow on the sweetie and they lasted for ages.....
Fruit salads and black jacks used to buy a halfpennys worth on a Saturday as a treat. I also used to get a barley twist, but it was caramel with a solid peice of chocolate going through the middle instead of barley.
I love Ringos - they were cheap crisps and were rings!!!
I also loved some chocolate called Vice Versa - they were like Minstrels!
Also Bubblegum with stickers and 'tattoos'

Elle x
Licquorice sticks. The twiggy type ones! Aniseed balls! Penny gobstoppers! Invalid butter toffee!
Oh yes Judi - Liquorice sticks like twigs, they were lovely, we used to buy them from 'Timothy Whites & Taylors' the Chemist shop.....remember them, they were as big a chain as 'Boots Chemist's' at one time.