Does anyone do Body Attack?


Full Member
I never ever thought I'd attend a fitness class mainly because I'm really self conscious and always worry about being the biggest person in the class (silly I know).

However the other week I decided to bite the bullet and I booked into Body Attack! I'm so glad I did, it was really high impact and at some points I thought I was going to collapse but I felt great afterwards.

Do any of you go to Body Attack? If so how do you feel about it?
I havn't been myself but a few friends go and say it is great!
My fitness isn't the best so I would be worried incase I couldn't keep up or last the whole class! suppose going and building it up would be the best way.
How many times a week do you go?
I try to go about 3 times a week but it's great. I am really noticing changes (little ones) in my shape and wobbly bits!

They always give you the low impact should give it a try.