Does it matter.......?


Full Member
I am struggling to drink lots of water in the day, however I do drink lots of de-caf tea and also green tea. Does this count towards my water total?? If I tried to drink more plain water would it impact on my weight loss?? Thanks guys x:confused:
I also struggle to drink the water and find I regularly wake up feeling very dehydrated, sometimes even to the point of feeling hung over! And when you haven't been drinking the night before that is a doubly horrible feeling! I try to up my water intake when ever I can and I would say you should keep trying with yours. Best of luck! :D
Your other drinks still count towards your total water intake. If you want to drink more water then feel free it won't affect your weightloss in a bad way at all.
The most important peice of advice I would give to anyone doing whatever diet is to drink lots of water. It has always worked for me, Im not really dieting at the mo and I still drink 2 litres of water a day plus 3 or 4 cups of tea and Im stabilising nicely!

When I was doing Weight Watchers I had a really bad bad weekend but to limit any damage I was upping my water to 4 litres a day, that particular week I lost 4.5lbs!!
You'll be fine drinking the green tea instead of loads of water, I would try and get a couple of glasses of water down during the day but at the moment while the weather is cold I drink more green tea than water. You'll probably find the water goes down easier when the weather warms up.
All the tea you're drinking certainly counts towards your fluid intake. A certain amount of fluid is good - 2 litres is reasonable - but more isn't better. It doesn't 'flush away' the weight! I think partly it helps people to feel full and sipping can replace snacking. Sometimes also when we think we're hungry we're actually just thirsty, so it's a good habit to get into.
Agree. The tea counts to total fluids but plain water is a good idea. Also, if you drink really cold water the body burns up a few calories bringing it up to body temperature, which although it doesnt seem much, can incrementally add to your weight loss over a period of time. According to dr d anyhow!

I often forget to drink water then find myself dehydrated so its a good habit to get into.