Dont know if this is for me :(


Full Member
Hey everyone,

Sorry to be on such a downer, this is really getting to me. Nearly 3 weeks I've been on this and I'm starving all the time, I thought this was meant to go away? I spoke about it yesterday. I've tried upping my water intake, drinking sparkling water, splitting shakes but still hungry. I can handle the "just wanting food" but the hunger is making me so miserable I spend most of my day on the verge of tears as I'm so frustrated. Surely healthy eating is better than this? X
Hi bird. For what it's worth I'm about the same length as you and although it's not easy hoping it's worth the effort. Look at how far you've come. Have you tried the flap jacks I find them great they are something to eat and do seem to satisfy me they are not lovely by any means but a nice change from the shakes. Whatever you decide I wish you well and I hope to be hear for a while if you ever need an ear x x x

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