Drunk Tinkerbell's JUDDD diary

Drunk Tinkerbell

Full Member
Day one - struggling!!!

So I've started JUDDD today and whilst the website said I should be sticking to 360 calories on a DD, I'm going to try and stick to below 400.

So far I've had a bit of milk in my teas, a cuppa soup and a slice of bread. I'm cranky, miserable and hungry :(

I have 170 cals remaining and am trying to save that for as long as possible :(

start - 12.7 current - 11.3 target 9.10
Hi and welcome, it gets easier I promise, try to stop thinking about food, drink plenty of water and I find a big mug of tea or coffee helps loads, it will be worth it I promise and you can have a lovely eating day tomorrow x
I've just totally lost it :( eaten a load of crisps, dip and chocolate and have now consumed 1000 calories today :(
I'm totally gutted with myself :(

start - 12.7 current - 11.3 target 9.10
All is not lost. Make today an intermittent day (when you eat normal diet levels of cals so say 1000-1400). Then you can have an Up or a Down day tomorrow. Perhaps have an Up day tomorrow and plan how you're going to do your DD. Dr Johnson actually recommends that the first week is done on meal replacement products, so Slimfast or something similar. Might that help you to get some structure into your DDs?

By the way I love your name and DDs make me cranky too.
Thank you, I love you for helping me!

An intermittent day sounds like a good idea. I won't eat anything else now which will leave me at 1000 calories. Then I'll have an UD tomorrow, DD Tuesday etc as planned. I had a panic because I really want to have an UD weds because it's my bday and felt like I'd ruined that today. But that works :))

Feeling more cheerful now :)

start - 12.7 current - 11.7 target 9.10
Morning Tinks

I'm new too, on week 3 :) I have lots more to lose though, so on the advice of others here I have 500 on my DDs.

DDs will get better for you, I'm on one today and really looking forward to it. I like having lots of homemade soups, much lower in cals than bought stuff and no extra nasties (salt, sugar, preservatives, etc) - they don't take long to make up, and there's a recipe on my diary thread, if you fancy that. Other lifesavers for me are Kraft Crackerbread (19) with WW tuna in mayo on them - each small can is 77cals, so that and two crackerbreads is just over 100 cals - or extra light Philly, it tastes lovely and is just 38 cals per pot.

Susie x
Hi just wondering how you were getting on?