Dygestive enzymes


Silver Member
Hi, i am due to have my gallbladder out at the end of the month and I've read lots of people who had theirs put have needed digestive enzymes to help their body cope with digesting food x I'm just wondering whether anyone else has used them or how it helped etc? X
Jenna88 said:
I've had mine out for 8 years now and like Emsie haven't had an issue. I wouldn't worry about it unless you have a rapid weight gain or something like that and are advised by your doctor. Good luck with the op.

Thanks for your reply :) i was thinking of using them as my body has trouble breaking down food and i am not getting all the nutrients etc that i need plus i have other health issues that id read they could help with x glad you've not had any problems tho, hopefully it will all go smoothly :)
Hi, i am due to have my gallbladder out at the end of the month and I've read lots of people who had theirs put have needed digestive enzymes to help their body cope with digesting food x I'm just wondering whether anyone else has used them or how it helped etc? X

How did it go? I had an appointment with my consultant yesterday and I'm now booked in for it to be out Tuesday...

I was quizzing him on his conversion rates (from lap to open) etc.... There are horror stories out there, but i keep reminding myself its a very common procedure and only those that have problems come onto the web to complain about it.

I read of stories that talk about massive weight gain, no matter what they eat, massive weight loss etc, constant runs, acid indigestion etc.

The consultant said that it is probable that my gallbladder is barely functioning as it is, so my body has already acclimatised to many of the changes and i shouldnt have a problem, and because mine currently isnt resulting in me not eating any bad foods (i can eat what i want at the moment, i dont because i am dieting, this wont change), which i will gorge on after the operation.

That big fear is weight creeping back on, no matter how much i diet and exercise (which is the experience of some).
How did it go? I had an appointment with my consultant yesterday and I'm now booked in for it to be out Tuesday...

I was quizzing him on his conversion rates (from lap to open) etc.... There are horror stories out there, but i keep reminding myself its a very common procedure and only those that have problems come onto the web to complain about it.

I read of stories that talk about massive weight gain, no matter what they eat, massive weight loss etc, constant runs, acid indigestion etc.

The consultant said that it is probable that my gallbladder is barely functioning as it is, so my body has already acclimatised to many of the changes and i shouldnt have a problem, and because mine currently isnt resulting in me not eating any bad foods (i can eat what i want at the moment, i dont because i am dieting, this wont change), which i will gorge on after the operation.

That big fear is weight creeping back on, no matter how much i diet and exercise (which is the experience of some).

Hi how did your operation go? X mine went really well, i had the laperoscopy and apart from needing help fro my husband to get around and up n down etc for about a week i was fine after and my digestive system has been better than ever! I haven't had any bad tummy (had chronic diarrhea for months before) i can eat any foods although i am dieting as of next week as thought it would put too much pressure in healing and getting through christmas to start straight away but have gained about a stone in last couple months eeek! Hoping when i change diet it will drop off quickly though x hope you ate well and healing ok x
Hi how did your operation go? X mine went really well, i had the laperoscopy and apart from needing help fro my husband to get around and up n down etc for about a week i was fine after and my digestive system has been better than ever! I haven't had any bad tummy (had chronic diarrhea for months before) i can eat any foods although i am dieting as of next week as thought it would put too much pressure in healing and getting through christmas to start straight away but have gained about a stone in last couple months eeek! Hoping when i change diet it will drop off quickly though x hope you ate well and healing ok x

Everything seems to be ok. Hurts a lot if I laugh.. Everything else seems ok. I had some cream yesterday that came on the small amount of cake, with ice cream. That *did not* go down well. I had about ten hours of really bad smelly gas (i was banished from the bedroom and told to stay downstairs), and a large number of very soft bowel movements.

I dont normally eat such fatty food, so I suppose it was to be expected. I was horrified when i weighed myself a few days after the operation, and had gained seven pounds. Of course it was post surgery inflammation! On saturday i went to a class across town, officially weighed in as five pounds gain.

It was rather funny, never been to the class before. Stepped on the scales, the consultant sees five pound gain, and you can see the eyebrows raise. I explained i was just out of surgery.

At the body image section, as she was going through the room, she welcomed me, the gain showed up on her pda, but also the rest of my stats, she says five pound gain, and her mouth hits the floor as it shows up an eight stone loss in forty two weeks.

Today, post christmas weigh in and I have lost two pounds of the five pound gain.
Lol bless you your last post about the consultant did make me goggle hehe x can just imagine it x 8 stone loss that is amazing and do i can only say a massive well done and its great you have got back on it and had a good loss x i do hope your tummy calms down though as i know how much it can take over your life when it does play up x

Yes i remember not being able to laugh lol that will calm down quickly km sure :) its good that you are still laughing :) are you getting around more now? X
My tummy already seems to have settled. I keep testing every now and then, having something with a bit more fat than im used to. For example my good lady really likes those frikadellen (a chopped turkey/chicken style burger that you can buy at aldi/liddle), but they are about 30% fat. I had two of those with two giant wholemeal baps.

Really pushing it for me... I didnt have any problems eating it.

Every now and then i get what feels like a big hiccup in my stomach, almost the feeling you get when you drop in a rollercoaster. But it lasts a fraction of a second rarely happens more than once in a day.

The laughing has improved. It just tingles a bit now. The incision they used for my belly button seemed to have got a mild infection. Cleaned it out with witchhazel antiseptic yesterday and it seems to be healing fine :)
Glad its all going well for you :) i started back on slimming world yesterday so trying to stick to low fat foods and concentrating on building my strength up as cant walk anywhere without getting ill after shaking, heart races and wobbly legs but doc says i just need to keep doing what I'm doing and build up gradually as lost all strength before and after the operation , looking forward to claiming my body back lol