I am a bit of a binge eater too, I can go all day without really eating anything much then the evening comes, the tv goes on and the food comes out!! I could quite easily eat a couple of days worth of calories while watching one film, which I got to the point I was doing every night!
I did WW too and did exactly your same thing, worked out the points for all the biscuits, chocolates, ice cream and crisps I was eating instead of changing my eating habits.
sW has definitely changed my eating habits for the better, it's really strange that I used to cook very healthy meals for my children then sit and stuff myself with junk food after they were in bed, at the time it never occurred to me that my body required the same goodness from food as the children's did - I knew, of course that I needed the goodness, but it never occurred to me that all the junk food was detrimental to me in the same way it would be for my children. Not sure if that makes sense, it does in my head but not sure if it has come out making sense lol
How many syns am I allowed? I have borrowed books from a friend and they just say that the person running the meeting will tell me how many syns to have.
I had a red day today and I must admit I didn't get on with as well as I did the green days, I think I will probably stick the mostly green days form now on in, I definitely prefer green days. I haven't tried an EE day yet, I think I need to look through my book again to get myself familiar with the EE, I'm not wet sure what I'm supposed to be doing wit that one.
I have been keeping myself extra busy the last few days to stop myself picking at bits so hopefully on Thursday when I WI I will have a loss and I will have done loads of the odd jobs that have been hanging around waiting to be done - double bonus!!
How have you been getting on in the last couple of days?