

Likes to eat
Looking for some success stories. I'm looking for a permanent form of hair removal for face, and electrolysis appears to be the only way forward.

How much did you pay?
How many treatments did you need and over how long a period?
After each treatment, were you hair free? I.E. did electrolysis actually remove the hair each time? (With some forms of IPL, you're not hair free after the treatment and you actually remove the hair with shaving, and it just regrows back thinner).

I have tried everything but the only thing that keeps hair at bay for me is laser treatment. I also have PCOS, and I know once I have had my 4 /6 treatments I will then go back for maintenance treatments when I feel I need them. I used a clinic called MBA. For the areas I have treated it is £80 Per treatment. Hope that helps x
I use electrolysis for facial hair-chin and neck.

It was really bad but after six moths of treatments it is getting better and better! With the hope that very soon it will be gone\|!

It def permanent, and works provided the hair is at the right stage of growth!

Mine costs about 30 FOR 30 MINS which doesnt get a lot done but that is the only draw back as it targets each hair individually!

I honestly recommend it if you can afford it. I know lots of people like the laser, but it didnt work for my sister so it has really put me off.
hope this helps
Thank you, both of you. I considered Laser but as it's not permanent and with it being summer soon (and you can't be laserred with a tan), I'm really thinking about either buying a Laser Machine for winter (I hear boots is good) so I can top up by myself, or going for electrolysis. Zoe - does each session leave you hair free, or do you need to shave to get rid of it?
I would get it waxed if it gets really bad, but as it can only do smaller sections in the time you wont be completely hair free. Although the hair that are removed are removed. As you need the hairs to be at the right stage they would recommend that you do not shave in between. I didnt start electrolysis until I had been getting it waxed for a while. it got rid of some and thinned out some so it wasnt as noticable anymore so I dont feel as self concious in between sessions. I really think it depends on how you feel with having the hair there...

:( i know it sucks-the things some of us have to endure.
Thank you for your response! In that case I think I'll carry on with the waxing and in the interim growth periods (luckily my OH is abroad - and always has been - so he's never seen me hairy as we see each other for a week or so at a time when I'm waxed, but we are hopefully moving in together around October - which is why I'm mostly trying to get rid of the stuff) use the home IPL. Hopefully it'll be greatly reduced by the time we live together!