Emzy's Diary


Full Member
Hello all,
I'm emzy, back again for another try at getting my weight down to my goal for good. I didn't keep a diary last time, and i'm not sure why but this time it just feels like i should, like it will help in some way. I've had a long standing chaotic relationship with my weight and body image for as long as i can remember; being over weight as a child then developing and ED in my teens, taking 2 years to recover from that, before developing another ED, which unlike the first one led me to pile on the weight. After talks with doctors, friends and parents i decided enough was enough and this year in Janruary i started lighter life with my start of weight as 14 stone, amazingly i got down to my then goal of 9 and a half stone, on my second week of refeed one of my best friends passed away, which sent me into that emotional out of control eating that started my rapid weight gain in the first place. So the other day i made myself get on the scales and face the music. To see i had put on just over a stone already was absolutley gutting, but not something i could blame anyone for but myself, which i think just made me feel worse, the fact that i had got so far then messed it all up. I know that i need to go back on VLCD if i want to get back to the weight i want to be, it is the total cut off from food that allows me to not revert back to my binge eating ways, and although i know of course that when i reach my goal i will need to introduce food, this time i hope to make a proper plan of it and stick to that, so that my metabolism and mind can get uses to slowly eating healthily again. This will be my new start. I've decided to do slim and save instead of lighterlife again mainly because of the price. I'm starting my postgrad at uni in September and still need to save up a tiny bit more for that, so spending £75 a week on food isn't something i could easily justify. I am slightly nervous about this decision, with LLT costing so much that was added insentive not to stray, as well as the weekly meetings meaning we would get weighed in, but i'm just going to have to be extra aware of my thoughts and what i do (in the long run this can only help because it's more like what it will be like when i've reached my goal in terms of having to cope on my own, but for the time being it is a rather scary thought). My goal weight this time is slightly lower than that of last time aswel. I set 9 and a half stone last time as that was something other people said they were comfortable with me being at, but i think setting a goal of what others wanted may have hindered me, it meant that even when i reached it i wasn't happy with it in my own head as i know i wanted to be about a stone lighter (being 8 and a half stone is the only time in the past that i remember being happy with my body) so this time i'm going for what i want, as apposed to what others feel comfortable with my being.
Well that was a lot of rambling on! I'm starting my morning with a banana shake, then going to do a load of dish washing with a trusty bottle of water at my side to fight of any first day sugar cravings! I'll write again tonight on how my first day went, fingers crossed it will be a good one xxx
Good luck today hun! No time like the present and im sure you will be fine this time around!
I had banana shake for brekky too :D

Thank you so much lovely=) i really liked the banana shake, yumms! How're you finding it all so far? i'm just off to read your diary now=)xxx
Hi x found your diary x you have been through alot and I'm sure you ll do really well on S&s as there is alot of variety and a diary will help even if your having a down day so gd luck for day 1 x
Emzy22 said:
Thank you so much lovely=) i really liked the banana shake, yumms! How're you finding it all so far? i'm just off to read your diary now=)xxx

I loved the banana shake was nice and thick tooo! Im finding it ok just gotta get through the first week (with plenty of fags) then we will be fine :D xxxx
Good luck, I'm sure you'll be at goal in no time! Look how far you've come, you've proved you can do this!
Thank you all so so much for your lovely words! I've been reading all your diaries and i must say i think it's people like you guys who are going to give me the inspiration to spurr on=) So day 1 is done! I had the banana milkshake for brekkie (and i totally agree with you on that one Ems it is lush!) then spicy spaghetti for lunch, which was also yummy (a nice welcome suprise because i didn't really rate the meals on LL at all), made up a vannilla shake with hot water and a spoon of coffee added in at 6pm (was like a latte but more creamy!) and just now polished off a cottage pie pack (again yums!)
Evenings are always and have always been my downfall with food, it's at these times in the past where i just raid the cuboards and eat anything and everything, so i've had a bath, painted my nails and come upstairs to go on my laptop so that i stay away from any temptation! I'm not feeling hungry which is great but am slightly sloshing around with all the water i've had today, teehee! xxxx
So, i did yesterday (day 2) without a problem at all then today things went very wrong. My boyfriend lovingly told me i looked fat and had 'clearly' put on weight (which i know i have but still not great to hear from your nearest and dearest) so that just sent me into a 'i can't do this, i failed last time, i'll fail this time' circle of lameness, whereby i turned to carbs, carbs and more carbs (i won't go into details lets just say it wasn't good). I'm so annoyed at myself for still linking food to emotions, and the fact that i let someone else ruin something i was doing for myself, and only on day 3 to! So yeah, not a good day for me at all, but i am determined to get back on track, now that i'm thinking a bit more clearly and not so clouded by upsetness and self pity i realise i have to do this, just so i can say to myself that i'm not a failure and that i can carry things through. Hope you all are having a good dayxxxx
Oh bless u sweetie!! Big big big hugs!! Ignore previous attempts you can so do it this time!!! You will get there i promise! Blokes are so insensitive at times! Xxxxxx

P.s i turn to carbs aswell they are my downfall!!! Keep trying hun u will be fine its just a blip xxxxxxxxx

thank you so so much lovely, that really made me feel so much stronger, you're the best=D! i know, silly man! I think he knows it upset me quite a bit though, so it means i'll get lots of nice hugs on the sofa later=)! Carbs are evil and so tempting, but yes this time i have to do it, and i know with your amazing support i will, thank yoooouxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Emzy22 said:
thank you so so much lovely, that really made me feel so much stronger, you're the best=D! i know, silly man! I think he knows it upset me quite a bit though, so it means i'll get lots of nice hugs on the sofa later=)! Carbs are evil and so tempting, but yes this time i have to do it, and i know with your amazing support i will, thank yoooouxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Awww no need to thank me trust me we are soooo in this together!!! And i think u deserve lots of kisses and cuddles from him so make sure u get them hehehe xxxx tomorrow is a new day my lovely :D xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Emzy x this diet is hard but I believe that the issue of being overweight goes a lot deeper so as well as trying to lose weight there are all sorts of emotional issues to deal with too I definitely have found this out and am trying to find out why I have sabotaged myself in the past and my emotions have had alot to do with me overeating and bingeing anyway what I'm trying to say is ., you ve had a blip and you are still determined so put it behind dont beat yourself up we are here to support you x x so here s to a gd day tomorrow :))
Thank you massivley to Katierose and Ems yesterday for your kind words and support, you beautiful ladies you! Deff have to agree with you Katierose on the issue of being overweight going deeper emotionally, i think that's such an imporant point to stress too, because a lot of our thoughts to do with food and such are linked to emotions or crooked thinking, if it was a case of food just being fuel for out bodies we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now, so yush def will have to keep making notes in this journal of times when things have felt more tough than usual, that way i'll be able to see if a pattern emerges.
So back on day 1 of 100%, I had today off work because of this stupid cold/headache/throat infection thing that i've caught, so had a mega lie in til 12noon which i feels done me the world of good. Have had a caramel shake and a milk chocolate truffa bar today so far which were both very yummy, need to keep going with my water though as i've only had 1 litre atm, need to get another 2 down me today if possible! Looking forward to watching the football later though, and will have a can of coke zero then instead of the usual cider! Hope y'all having a good day? much lovexxxxx
Emzy22 ... This might sound silly but I'm counting every day as day 1 ;) that way I'm not worrying about what day I'm actually on. Every day is different and gives us different struggles and strains to deal with. I've found adding sugar free juice to my water has worked really well for me and means I keep the hunger pangs under control at the start.

Give it a few days and ketosis will help you all the way to goal :D x x x
Hey, enjoy your coke zero watching the footie, I'm doing the same!

The thing to remember on this diet is that life will always get in the way, just draw a line under it and move on.

Hang on in there, you can do this!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww its nice to be loved :p hehe. Well done for getting back on it babe its sooo hard when you are not feeling great!! Ive only done about 1.5l today gonna try and get to 2l before the day is out this water is killing me lol!. Hope you are enjoying the footie :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How you doing today Emzy x x