Evening UD nibbles


Silver Member
Hi all. My UD is nearly over and I am sat here thinking I should eat something as i know I'll be hungry tomorrow - does anyone else do this? I am not really full, but not hungry - feels a bit daft!
I do sometimes feel like something to finish the day off and think to myself ' I will be wishing I ate it when I am on a DD tomorrow' but I do try to ask myself whether I really want it or am I just eating for the sake of it? I have realised through Juddd that I do actually have an Off switch and I now really hate feeling really full and bloated x
That's exactly it, tomorrow it'll be haunting me from the cupboard/ fridge/wherever but right now? I really don't need it do off to bed I will go. Off switch working tonight ;)
I find it a lot easier now Pauline, without really realising I am doing it before I eat something I think am I actually hungry do I really want it, if the answer is yes then I eat it but I find the majority of the time its wanting to eat it for the sake of it, I realised after reading something on another thread earlier, I don't snack between meals anymore ? I was always a picker , the odd biscuit here, packet of crisps there but I don't do that anymore and I hadn't actually realised I had stopped doing it until someone mentioned snacking ?? I still have an evening treat but then not always its strange how your eating habits change on this diet. I have found that I don't live for food anymore, despite having free reign on UP days I find I mostly make healthier choices , I do have more treats on a weekend UP but thats more a phychological thing. Don't get me wrong I still love my food but its not so important to me now IYSWIM ?
One of my biggest issues is evening eating , it always has been. Come in from work, have some tea and then sit in front of the TV or the laptop - or both;) all evening. Its text book snacking territory. Its my danger time on a DD before I go to bed, i can't go to bed early every other day for the rest of my life so I've set myself some ten minute tasks, like clearing through a drawer or clearing out my handbag, they always last more than ten minutes and it works a treat. Alot of my hunger is in my head I think. My brain knows I've only eaten a bowl of 50 calorie soup so it tells me I'm hungry. In reality I ate that bowl of soup ten minutes ago and it was really thick and filling. Some of its about thinking do I need it like Bajoleth says.

Another issue for me is my DDs are M, W, F but I live alone so I'm finding it hard managing the food in my fridge and cupboards with use by dates etc. I hate waste so much (partly what got me here I guess) so the freezer is getting a makeover so I have room for all those bits and pieces that wouldn't be great in two days time otherwise.
Hi zakcat - that's a super idea re the tidy/sorting time to keep you busy! I think I'll need some of that tonight as I am on my dd and hungry!! :)