UPDATES ON EVERYTHING!!! I need to verbally vomit.
Ouch! Every bit of me aches! That was the longest shift anyone has ever done I think! So many trials and tribulations! Why must people have birthday parties at the pub? There was a big fat chocolate cake sat next to me most of the day... I did have a tiny nibble at about 1am

but I stayed strong the rest of the day. Lots of meats & cheese for brunch & snacks. Jerk chicken with salad and steamed veg for dinner.
I feel like when you are, you know about it. But I dunno if I'm just used to that taste being in my mouth and now it doesn't seem as strong? I really hope I am as I wanna stop low carbing and start TSing tomorrow! Finally got my student loan to order some packs, still no carbonara! So annoying. I don't really know what to order as that's one of the best ones in my opinion.
I've just woken up from a horrible nightmare. First it was great, id been to see dream Cath and she was fully recovered. Then I was telling some dream woman about it and ended up not being able to move in my dream, kinda signalling I was having stroke. But then I was able to wake up but still not move and suffering some weird sleep paralysis? But then I ACTUALLY opened my eyes and I was clearly fine. Dreams are weird!! I'm obviously feeling anxious as I'm going to see Cath today. I thought I'd be more excited than this. I mean I can't wait to see her, but I feel nervous it's so weird. What's wrong with me?!?
So the wedding I'm no longer invited to is 2 weeks away. Alfie has had to go for a suit fitting this morning. I hope they don't slag me off. He wouldn't stand for it and he'd stick up for me but I don't want it to be awkward for him. Him being there has actually made me feel a bit down today. Dunno why. I'm so silly sometimes.
Just over a week to go. Need to shed some serious poundage. Gonna order a bikini and spend my free time (what's that) this week making something for my night out over there. I wanna make Alfie some shorts as well as a treat for finishing his exams. He saw some he liked but they were £50 so he didn't get them. Wondering if I can make something better. I don't wanna buy any more fabric just yet so gonna try work this what I've got. I've been saying I'm gonna make him and myself something for months, hopefully with a deadline of a week it'll force me to work harder! And now I've written it in here I feel like it's set in stone
I did day 18 of the squat challenge on Friday. That's where I started as day 1 - 30 squats sounded too easy. Missed yest as I did enough squats loading and emptying the dishwasher! Gonna get back on it today and hopefully actually make it to the gym more than once this week!!!
That's all for now. Will catch up with everyone's diarys whilst I'm travelling today

x x x x