Facebook Virus doing the rounds!!


If you get a message in your facebook inbox claiming to be from someone on your friend list and containing a pic/video of you don't open it. Delete it, Its a virus.
I have had 2 of these messages already and many of my FB friends have been infected with a virus after opening the link in the message.
Thanks for the heads up

Thanks for the warning x
Is anyone into Mob wars!! If so join my mob as I need two more mobsters to do the great train robbery!!!

I'm so glad you started this thread. I have had this sent to me twice in the last 2 days and just deleted it both times
Thanks for the warning
There should be an option to tick the box at the side of the email Carol and then choose "Delete". :)
Yes because its in the form of a link. It will infect your PC if you click on the link. Your antivirus should tell you if there's a threat.
Hubby was looking on a car sales website and managed to infect my laptop with 11 different viruses :eek: and that was a commercial site!!! Luckily my antivirus picked up the threat straight away and cleared them.
ive had them too but it takes me straight to the utube home page
ive got norton antivirus so i hope thats blocking them !