Feel like a whale


I am so fat. I actually cried looking in the mirror this morning. All you can see is my belly from all angles
I've been asked by random strangers when my baby is due- I am not pregnant
My stomach is 39 inches and my waist 35 inches. I'm only 5ft 2.
I've spent the last week running for 1hr a day and only eating one meal a day but I am still the same size.
As the post states I am fed up of being so fat. I feel that in proportion a whale probably has only a slightly bigger stomach than me
VF - let me know how you are.
So update. Am getting there slowly. I managed to lose about 8lb but it doesn't seem to be coming off the stomach-more around arms and legs
Lost 0.6cm from stomach in total so still massive.
The 8lb has been through me eating one meal a day of 500 calories 3x a week and increasing exercise to 2hrs a day 3 days a week.
I'm knackered by the effort of trying not to be a whale and not have my stomach as the first thing anyone sees when they greet me
I'm going to be tough with you. Your post reads very extreme. Your BMI is in the healthy range and at just over 9 stone, you are not massive. If you do have excess weight to lose, the 3:7 will get you there over time. Please take care of yourself.
You are the same weight as me and only an inch shorter.
I find eating 3 healthy meals a day and walking has helped me. I to have a belly and sometimes I look like I am pregnant.
I wish I had the answer on how to get a flat stomach without having surgery.