Feeling Fed Up


New Member
I know you shouldn't but day 3 of my diet today feeling low and very hungry I thought I would get on the scales for a pick me up..... To be shocked that my weight has not moved a single pound ;0(

Any words of advise or pick me ups.....

I hope the scales start moving soon
Step away! If your 100% you will lose. You can't not lose x
Oh No, that does not help you, all I can suggest is try not to weigh too often, the scales can rule and ruin our day sometimes. I have had a few days like you recently but stick with it, I didn't cheat because I know I have to loose the weight this time.
Good luck, hope you feel better today
Hi if it makes you feel any better I managed to gain weight in my first few days of 100% SS! I weigh myself every day regardless of the advice/suggestions on here. Along came day 15 and I'd lost 15lb. Don't get disheartened
Just try to keep in mind that it will be worth it in the end if you stick to the diet-keep telling yourself that it does work, although there will be ups and downs along the way. I have been doing this diet now for just 13 weeks and i have lost over 4 stone now and am on the final countdown to a weight i never thought i could be again. There have been times when i have wanted to give up...but in the end the only person who would be feeling more miserable about it would have been me.

In a few weeks you too will be looking back and thinking how it was worth it...chin up and good luck