feeling really rumbley in tummy


Full Member
Hi I have like a really rumbley tummy been on lt for a while now nearly 4 months but today I feel empty. Not sure if its cos of stress (breaking up long story ) or the fact I put and orange in my mouth to break the peel for My daughter. As soon as I realised I spit the peel and rinsed my mouth out but I dont know just feel rough.:'(
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About week 10/11 I had the rumblings quite badly for a few days. It wasn't because I was hungry and I wasn't uncomfortable in any way - it was just really loud, especially at night. I hadn't had any issues up until then but it did pass after a while.

I was 100% too so no mishaps with orange peel for me! :p
Hey operationslim - sorry to hear about you and your husband. That must be awful. As for the rumblings, Im only on week 4 - Im not as seasoned as you 3-4 monthers (very impressed by you guys!) but I'm sure it'll pass soon enough. Best of luck with it all.
Its ok. Its a mutal thing he works long hours and too be honest I think he just got to the point he was sick of seeing me. So he stopped coming home even leaving me with his children from previous relations anyhow rumbley feeling still there but not quite as strong. This wil nearly be my 5 month on the diet. So hopefully I be getting there soon have about 4stone 12lb to lose
operationslim31 said:
Its ok. Its a mutal thing he works long hours and too be honest I think he just got to the point he was sick of seeing me. So he stopped coming home even leaving me with his children from previous relations anyhow rumbley feeling still there but not quite as strong. This wil nearly be my 5 month on the diet. So hopefully I be getting there soon have about 4stone 12lb to lose

So sorry about your break up :( keep focused on diet hunxxx