Feeling tired and dizzy, is this normal?


Life Begins...
Hi everyone, I'm 3 weeks in and have had a real surge of energy the past 2 weeks and have felt wonderful, but today I am so tired and dizzy, I keep nodding off randomly.

I've eaten the same things as I usually do and taking my multi vits and omega 3, but I did do a lot of exercise at the gym yesterday and only had 2 of my 3 meals as didn't feel hungry. I'm drinking 2-3 litres of water a day and decaf coffee in addition to the water. Do you think its worth having a couple of cups of normal coffee a day to see if it perks me up?

Any suggestions re the tiredness and dizziness, has anyone else experienced a sudden dip in energy?


Jayne :confused:
Agree Leanne... You have to watch that you're eating enough while exercising :)
DH had this problem too - we decided he wasn't drinking enough water before and during the gym plus probably not eating enough. Do track and see if you can spot it
Thank you for the advice, I think it could be a combination of not eating enough and perhaps being a little dehydrated even though I thought I'd drank enough. Will give the exercise a miss today and tomorrow and eat a bit more and see if I improve.