I have founnd this website really helpful so here is my story. I had lost 19 lbs with Weight watchers a year ago but have only managed to keep off 9.5 llbs of it. so as my BMI was over 30 I asked the doctor if I could use Xenical. He said yes he would presribe it to me a month at a time. I have ate any high fat foods for fear of the terrible after affects, I have been eating between 1800 and 2000 kcals a day and around 10-15g of fat a day. No bad side effects just a looser poo and going twice a day rather than once. After 3 weeks my skin on my face went very dry but extra moisturiser is helping. I have lost 3lbs in 4 weeks, but even though that doesnt sound that good I am really pleased I mesaured myself at the start and have lost an inch on my waist and 2 inches on my bust (yeh
) I have also joined the local council run leisure centre Passport to Health scheme I can use all fitness things avaliable for about £2 a session and I get a personal trainer come to my house once a week for an hour to do aerobic, weights and boxing etc this goes on for 12 weeks for free plus they will give me one to one training in the gym for 12 weeks. So hopefully the mixture of both will get me to and past my goal. Brilliant!! With regards to Xenical side effects if I do eat a high fat item I find there is orange oil in my poo (just like you get if you leave a cooked pizza/chineese out over night). The worst thing I have ate in 4 weeks is a packet of smarties, I am so pleased as usually at least a bar of choc a day plus other high fat foods I feel a real new start to my eating and exercise habits.