Hi Abigail,
How are you doing now? I read your thread and to be honest I could have written it. I have done that first day "Im gonna be good" at 9am and then by 6 pm I am half way through a six pack of crisps. And coke. And cooking up something yummy. And feeling soooo guilty.
I am finally on the diet - five weeks in and doing well - after literally years of trying and failing. How did I eventually make it work:
A) I got some blood tests done and found out that I was low in vitamin D. When I started taking the supplements my anxiety reduced and so it was easier to get through day 1. Maybe you have a deficiency that makes you crave a morsel more than you should?
B) I reduced the stress in my life. I have my own business and three kids and I dont have a cleaner. I am very busy most of the time. I am closing the business down at the mo cos I realised I HATE IT and its not making money anyway so its got to go. Making that decision reduced my stress levels significantly. My kids are a little older - the youngest is now 2 and a half - and it gets a whole lot easier to manage kids once they get to 2 and a half. They do what they are told then , almost all the time.
C) I hit rock bottom for me. I was waking up feeling tired and sore every morning. My joints hurt, my heart was having palpitations, I would look at the stairs in shops and thank god I had the buggy so that I could take the lift without looking odd. I really couldnt go on like that.
D) I watched a lot of motivational shows on TV at night like the biggest loser and Obese a year to save my life etc. They really really really helped me focus.
E) I went online and read about addictions - not food addictions which aren't covered well online. But alcohol and drug addictions and the ways people overcome them. I dont really know if I am a food addict but I found it really useful to read about the ways to deal with addiction and it set me off to a good start on the diet.
F) and I didnt set huge goals. I set little goals - like get through to four oclock. Get through to six oclock and so I always seemed to be reaching some goal and was happy. Its only now, five weeks in, that I can plan beyond the afternoon but I really cant plan what will happen tomorrow yet. It really is one day at a time.
THats what I did to get going.
And THe MOST IMPORTANT ONE: EXERCISE. Starting every day with a little exercise really helps. Nothing too strenuous - just something to get the heart beating and some air into your lungs for half an hour. Its as if the endorphins you release get the mind in gear for a diet.
Hope you can apply some of that to your diet.
Take care and best of luck in those exams.