First order and already got messed up...

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With the task of scouting for a reliable company that provides VLCD products, I ended up ordering with Slim and Save.

After a quick live chat with "Karen" the live operator (she was super attentive and helpful, very friendly), I decided to jump in and try the monthly bundle of 4 products per day and to be delivered to Portugal where I am living now.

This all happened on a Monday afternoon and by Tuesday afternoon I received an email confirmation it has been dispatched but it did not contain the bars I ordered (even though it said "In Stock" on the website).
I ordered 3 flavours and now I am only getting 2 flavours and in the ratio of 23 and 5...
Where it should have been 9/10/9...

As soon as I saw this happening I sent them an email asking what happened and was told they did not have the third flavour and the second flavour they only had 5 bars of it...

And whilst they offered 12 complimentary meals and 2 shakes/bottles, they are all soups, wafers and muesli, things I dislike the most... :/

A real shame as I was planning to do a long term diet and needed a steady flow of supply for the products.

Not a good impression at all...

It would have been good to treat the customers properly, informing them of the lack of stock, the timing of next delivery for the flavours missing AND if they are willing to wait or accept a replacement or other arrangement...

I'm really upset with this as I worked in customer focused workplaces and this sort of thing is what pisses them off the most.

A company needs to be crystal clear with them all the way, specially when their own order is being altered without prior consent and notification.

Now I am stuck with the extra meals I wont touch and without the bars I was looking forward to.

First and last order. Back to google now and search another company :/
Sorry you had that experience. Most of us found that S&S has genuinely good, caring customer service and I've never heard of anyone on here having a similar experience. I ordered Sat, a mixture of 2 bars, 1 meal, and 4 shakes and it was with me all present and correct by Tuesday as expected.

I note too that your very next post states that you have tried 3 VLCDs and been left with bad customer service from each. That's rather unlucky is it not?
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Poor you that sounds dreadful! Have you emailed them again with what you have told us? I have I agree with above I thought ss were fab and my orders have bern 100% correct and very quick x the products are very high quality and great x

Please don't cut your nose off to spite your face and give up x you want to lose weight easily and fast for good value for money! Let them put things right x I'm sure they will x as there is a small ( and getting smaller ?) army on here all singing their praises xxxxx

You can do this xxx I'm sure they will help you sort things out xxxx

We are here for you to xxxx
I don't think it's getting smaller twinks. We seem to have new members almost every day on here. When the S&S forum was started last summer there were about 4 of us on it so it's grown a lot since then. The very nature of a VLCD means that it's not for everyone so we do lose people as they can't stick to it or find that it doesn't suit them. I also think that's the very nature of dieting in general.
IMO no company is 100% perfect 100% of the time. I find that you can get the measure of a company by how they rectify an error. They apologised and offered complimentary meals - most companies would not.

I have had nothing but excellent service - I too did not get the bars I ordered this week as the suppliers had let them down but there was a note apologising, a couple of free samples and the promise to forward them soonest. I'm happy with that

When twinks said getting smaller I think she meant in weight rather than in number...
What a shame, so far I've heard nothing but good things about S&S delivery, including free sample for lots of people (sadly not me!) and I've yet to see a post about a late delivery. All my questions have been answered either in live chat or later that same day.

Please don't judge a service based on one delivery. How else would you want to proceed? The company sees they have no stock of an item- perhaps they themselves have been let down by a supplier, or had an unprecidented amount of orders, or human error meant thet logged more stock than they actually physically had. So they still send the order, so you can start or continue with the diet, but send extra FREE samples as a sorry plus I'm sure they will ship the missing items as soon as they get them at no extra cost. How on earth else would they proceed? They have no idea that you don't like certain items!

I honestly can't see of a single better way for them to proceed. They kept up good communication and offered lots of free items, which probably cut out their own profit. You seem very difficult to please! you can only have one bar a day anyway, so even if you have to wait 10 days for the missing bars that's still only a maximum of 10 bars you've eaten.

May I ask, what other VLCDs have you tried? What was the problem with those?
I am closing this thread as going by the last post which I have removed is that TripleWhopper has his own personal agenda and our forums are not to be used in this way.

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