I'm on my second week and I only drink the strawberry chocolate shakes as these are all I like , when will the chemist let me try the flapjacks or is this my decision , thanks x
Ok penofell , I think I will try get them Thursday , I read where some of the dieters didn't like them but I might try them , do you no is it ok to have an atkins bar instead of a shake maybe twice a week . Thanks
Yeah I had to order mine, i like the peanut ones I have the coconut at the moment as they have to order peanut ones in for me so will have those next week
I requested some to try after my first weigh in. The pharmacist said the peanut were the nicest but when I tried both my preference was coconut.
They don't taste great but they take a while to eat and the last one I eat I had to really try to finish it all. Don't think thats ever happened in my entire life! x
i tried to get some yesterday at my first weigh in but he wouldn't let me, he said that he will give them to me for week three as they wouldn't taste very nice yet. i would have to wait until my taste buds had altered then they would taste really good otherwise they will be very bland.
hummmmmmmmmmm i was looking forward to a good chomp!
I believe it is your choice how you make your 21 products up. I personally think they are vile and are liking chewing sawdust but each to their own and you should defo try x
I thought the same when I read other people saying they were horrid. I really thought they couldn't possibly be that bad but OMG I only tried the peanut one and it has to be the rankest, minginest most horrific, vile thing I have EVER tasted lol never again...EVER! But you won't know for yourself unless you try so I say go for it xxx
I only eat the flapjacks these days - as said above, at least you get to chew. First few tasted vile, then not bad, and now I really quite look forward to them. Let's be honest, though, nothing on the Lipotrim tfr is particularly palatable - at least to me.
I believe it is your choice how you make your 21 products up. I personally think they are vile and are liking chewing sawdust but each to their own and you should defo try x
Got my first flapjack today , just tried it now and I have to say it is vile , but I'm sure if I persist I will enjoy it. they didn't have the peanut bar in chemist was told it was out of stock , hopefully it will be in soon as I would like to try it