food ideas for camping

What sort of facilities/storage/cooking options do you have? I won't be much help as I'm not much of a 'foodie' and tend to live on quick and easy but dull meals (spot the shift worker!). I'm no camper either I'm afraid! All of my food is fresh and stored in a fridge.... But hopefully someone useful will pop in. Have a great holiday!
basic facilities, storage is cool box really but given the heat at the minute im not hopeful that things will stay wise i have a gas stove to take with me
Looking round my kitchen I can only recommend biltong!! Tinned fish? I love mackerel, sardines and tuna. M&S do tinned meats that are low fat (as do other stores, but I prefer M&S even if my bank balance doesn't). Some of the soya protein chunks eaten raw? I hate tinned soup but there must be low fat/sugar ones out there. Help chefs help!!
Been thinking about this as we are considering a camping trip next week.

1. prepare muffins and keep them in aa air tight box.
2. take oatbran and make dead easy fish cakes (see recipe thread) or porridge for breakkie.
3. prepare ready meals and put them in containers and freeze them until your ready to go they may last a bit longer in the cool box if they are frozen
4. Eggs, scrambled, boiled omelette on the stove
5. Turkey rashers
6. Dukan bread prepared at home and stored in air tight box, fab for turkey rasher butties with LF cheese spread.
7. Oat bran biscuits
8. Whole cooked chicken
9. Salad veggies lettuce toms onions peppers and cucumber
19 goji berries for a snack
11 yogurts/from frais

You need a menu plan so you can decide what you want to eat on any particular day. Cx