Luckily, I have only put on half a pound when it's the TOTM but then,that's only been a couple of times.The last couple of months I have carried on losing as normal.I'm sure that will change though as more weight comes off.
When I'm being really good, 100% on plan, I've noticed that I still lose, even if it's only 1lb. The week before last I gained 1lb - it was the week before starting and that's when I usually bloat up. But that could have easily been to do with what I was eating that week too I actually started on Wednesday which was my weigh in day and I lost 3lbs!! Go figure!
i swell up like a big water balloon the only thing to do is drink water so my body flushes out the stuff it's storing it's the biggest pest i don't even feel like going to weigh in when it's that time cause i know it will just throw me totally off.