Forgetting oat bran


Gold Member
How much damage have I done forgetting yesterday's intake?? Found it in my bag today-oops! X
You're not going to die - promise :)

On the official chat some people can't eat it at all due to gluten intolerance and they say that is fine just that the losses might be a little slower, so don't worry about it.
I've forgotten it too. In fact it's usually the last thing I eat as a porridge right before bed because I'm not fond of it and it gets laid by the wayside till I remember before bed.

Interesting that it contains gluten. I didn't realize. Thinking I've been feeling so energetic because of possible gluten allergy. Guess not. Might choose to check out the alternatives though since everything else on Dukan seems to be non gluten. Maybe that's not correct?
Didn't think it would be terminal but annoying cause tomorrows weigh in is already terrifying me cause I've been ill and not done my exercise. Sure I've put on :(
Thanks. Moment of truth will be tomorrow. Praying I've not put on-exercise has been limited! :( x
Worry not-I've lost q stone! And that's with eating pre cooked chicken (probably not the best!) and sf squash!! 1/4 of way there!! X
That's meant to say a stone...not q stone!! Happy happy happy!
Woo Hoo!! What a great success!
Thanks guys...just another 3 to go :s x