Freeze Pops


Full Member
Sounds a silly question really but would having one or two of these a day do any damage if on a TFR diet?

They say mostly non added sugar and I guess are sweetned with aspartme or the like but as regards flavours cant say they would be full of juice....

Any ideas would help. thanks
You need to check for citric acid which can take you out of ketosis. You also need to check for overall carbs. Just because there's no 'added sugar' doesn't mean there's no natural fruit sugar. I would probably give it a miss - once you start messing around and adding things, it's harder psychologically to keep it together.
Thanks Maia, am still getting used to all the terminology and the facst / science behind what am doing...

I will check the box in a mo....
well, that was an eye opener! Box says contains citric acid and carbs are 7g per 100ml (1 litre of pops in box!!)

I luv my pops.....this is gonna be hard lol
You can get flavoured spring water pops which may be a little more acceptable - but not sure of the ingredients but my kids love them.