So where to start? Never done a diary before so hope this isn't boring or anything. I don't know how many people will actually read this but I guess it's more about me being able to track than anything. I began documenting in the notes in my phone so I will post these in the next entry...
The beginnings. I want to transform, hence the title. I have trapped myself in a cacooon of fat from which 'the real me' needs to emerge. Like a lot of people I have tried most diets and they work until I sabbotage them. I have some serious binge eating issues and I belive I have compulsive eating disorder. When I say this to people they laugh. If someone were to say they think they have anorexia/bulimia it would be brave. I am in NO WAY saying those disorders are not serious, awful and severe (these are all understatements of course) but I think as a society we should be helping people that speak up for help, not laughing and telling them 'just stop eating'. Imagine telling an anorexia sufferer 'just have a bit of food'.
So, suffering from many self esteem and self loathing problems in the past, with a 6 year long struggle with depression behind me, I got married last year. YEY! I lost 2 and half stone for the wedding and looked and felt great. Although I was still grossly overweight. This weight piled on from honeymoon until now, exactly a year later and I am now nearly at my biggest at 19st 1lbs. We are planning to try for a baby next year and this was the ultimate push. It's not just about the way I look anymore, it's about creating a healthy body for my future child. Health, health, health. And I guess before that wasn't important to me. But now it is. And I need something drastic, something more than the 2/3 lbs that other diets were giving me. And the removal of food from my life. Enter Cambridge Weight Plan. Was recommended by a friend I met at Slimming World and she gave me the number a while ago. Arranged for a meeting after my holiday and before I went back to school (teacher) because I wanted to get into the swing of things and have it established before dealing with the horror of the start of term! My first few days will be posted in the next entry, just so this one isn't too long! Good luck to anyone reading this who is on their journey, may you, too, be the beautiful butterfly you deserve to be
The beginnings. I want to transform, hence the title. I have trapped myself in a cacooon of fat from which 'the real me' needs to emerge. Like a lot of people I have tried most diets and they work until I sabbotage them. I have some serious binge eating issues and I belive I have compulsive eating disorder. When I say this to people they laugh. If someone were to say they think they have anorexia/bulimia it would be brave. I am in NO WAY saying those disorders are not serious, awful and severe (these are all understatements of course) but I think as a society we should be helping people that speak up for help, not laughing and telling them 'just stop eating'. Imagine telling an anorexia sufferer 'just have a bit of food'.
So, suffering from many self esteem and self loathing problems in the past, with a 6 year long struggle with depression behind me, I got married last year. YEY! I lost 2 and half stone for the wedding and looked and felt great. Although I was still grossly overweight. This weight piled on from honeymoon until now, exactly a year later and I am now nearly at my biggest at 19st 1lbs. We are planning to try for a baby next year and this was the ultimate push. It's not just about the way I look anymore, it's about creating a healthy body for my future child. Health, health, health. And I guess before that wasn't important to me. But now it is. And I need something drastic, something more than the 2/3 lbs that other diets were giving me. And the removal of food from my life. Enter Cambridge Weight Plan. Was recommended by a friend I met at Slimming World and she gave me the number a while ago. Arranged for a meeting after my holiday and before I went back to school (teacher) because I wanted to get into the swing of things and have it established before dealing with the horror of the start of term! My first few days will be posted in the next entry, just so this one isn't too long! Good luck to anyone reading this who is on their journey, may you, too, be the beautiful butterfly you deserve to be