From red to green ....


Hi all
Have been doing SW for a little while now. Started with EE but just didnt loose anything on that after a couple of weeks so switched to RG. Have done pretty much all red days as i find that suits me best and i am having great weight loss with it. My question is has anyone here done Red days for a good while then thrown in a greed day or 2. If so then how did it affect your loss if at all and how did it make you feel stomach wise as i always find carbs a bit bloaty. But i am missing pasta and SW chips so could do with a carby day. do not want to do it though if it throws me off course as i know i will be very demoralised after.
Thank you
Hi VJ, ive been doing extra easy for 4 weeks and my loss is slow and getting slower ... a few people on here seem to find that green days slow them down so i'm thinking of having a mainly Red week with a few green days thrown in. Did you do that this week? how's it been? i'll keep you posted on how it works out for me! :)
I've always followed green days but my weight loss has been really slow recently so I'm thinking of trying red days for a while to kick start it again, not tried EE but heard mixed reviews
well Cazran ... since i'd guess we share a name, we could share an attempt at a Red week and see what happens! Trying to find some inspiring red food diaries but nothing that amazing has been found yet ...lots of pork chops and veg!
Caz :)
I find myself googling most days looking for new things to cook. Pete's thread in the recipe section is great. What's your Caz short for?
Caroline. Thanks for the "pete' tip ...i'll check him out!
Carrie Ann - how did you get on this week? Just thought id let you know that a mostly red week seems to have been good for me ... improved my weight loss from a 1lb average to a 3lb! Hooray! I've eaten a LOT of chicken!
Hi sorry only just seen this, I lost 2.5lb this week, only 3 more lb's and I'm in to the 11's, woop!

Still sticking with green for a bit I think, can't afford all the meat on red at the moment! Lol

Well done on your loss - seems to have really kick started it again