Funmi's diary


New Member
My name is Funmi, and I just started lipotrim today. I had the chocolate shake which was ok. Am a bit apprehensive, as am about to cook a meal for my hubby and I dont know if I would be able to resist trying some of this deliscious food:( willing to give it a go though:fingerscrossed:

I recently started going to the gym, jogging and have so far loss a stone in 2 wks. Is it still ok to continue as I do not want stop, I love the way I feel afterwards especially after Zumbaaaaa:D
Its day 2, but it feels like day 1 as I fell off the wagon by having some fish. If I get through today without cheating, then I know that I have the will power.

It feels like I don't have any presently. Wishing myself and millions of peeps out there (who are also on this journey to get rid of this excess baggages in our body):D the best of luck.