I'll find out tonight when I go to my first class meeting
THough one funny thing my mum has told me (she's done SW before) is that I should wear really heavy clothes tonight for my first WI and then really light clothes next week to "make me lose even more weight!"
Breathe out Maximus! Otherwise the air could add extra weight!!!! :8855:
I don't do anything, that makes me weird! I never take my shoes off. Simply cos it pees me off when the person in front takes forever to put theirs back on!!!
I did have a wee before weighing this week but only because it was 5.30 and I hadn't had one since 9am!
I did weigh in 1/2lb heavier this week I put that down to that last time I was wearing leggings and a light tunic and this time was wearing jeans and a belt!
Air is ligher than fat is lighter than muscle - I read it in a book once.
Yes but over here we take clean English airYes but have you ever seen that photo of a pound of air - it is disgusting, puts you right off breathing
porterg1 said:Its mad what we do isn't it!! I've even tried to weigh my boobs b4 now!!!