Get running anyone?


Full Member
Hi all im sort of new but not really.. I did sw last yr lost 1 1/2 stone then went back to work after maternity leave ( I'm surrounded by choc, sweet and crisps for sale) and popped a stone back on in 5 months so here I am again, but my main question is" is there anyone out there who is or has done the couch to 5k app? I installed it last week and have sweated and sworn my way through the first 2 runs, only a min each x 8 but I'm determined to do this in the 9 weeks it's supposed to take. I'd love to hear if anyone else is doing this also as I feel the need to share my pain with a like minded couch potato. I'm also incorporating this with the daily values app which is based on ww? Be good to hear from u