getting on the wagon :)


New Member
Hi, im new here :) I have looked around the site and have read some really inspiring diarys so thought id introduce myself!

I am 28 and have two boys. One is 3 1/2 and the other is nearly 5 months. I have always gone up and down with my weight from the tiny 8st 10 to the not so tiny 14st!!. When I was pregnant from the day i found out til the day i gave birth i threw in the towel at watching everything i ate and got fully involved!! cakes/chrisps.. i saw it, wanted it then ate it!! twice!. This left me nearly 3st over weight with baby number one and 4st up with number 2. So here begins my 2nd mission to combat the baby weight (or cake weight for the last time!). The plan is to get into the 10stones over the next couple of months.

I have loads of reasons for wanting to do this, if i typed them all id be here until christmas :) but here a few:

Wedding dress which is hanging in my wardrobe for June. It is a beautiful dress but only one half of me can experience this beauty :rolleyes:

The other clothes which hang next to this dress in the warbrobe offer me the same experience :eek:

some of the more difficult reasons to say are things like

feeling like I want the ground to swallow me up when see old friends
ahhh woe is me :) but there you have it

Im looking forward to throwing out my fat clothes and gaining back the person I used to be. Im doing a mixture of slimfast and calorie counting along with
re introducing myself to my long lost friend.. the gym! I may try the exante shakes in a few weeks.
