

Winning a losing battle!
Sorry if this has been answered previously but I can't find anything about it!

Gherkins are on the list of approved veg, I take it that's pickled gherkins or is there another variety?

I think you can get ones in brine. Watch the carb intake on them, Asdas own have a carb intake of 15g per 100g which I think is rather high, so I try to limit my self to a couple through a salad and not the whole 100/200g until I can find lower ones.
Thanks for that, I thought it strange that you could have them pickled as I imagine it'd be quite high carb.

Think I'll steer clear for now!
Shame, I LOVE gherkins, yum yum!
I eat loads and loads of gherkins. I found a brand in asda, think it's 'Melis' or similar, in the bit where the imported food is. They're a massive jar, about 1kg I think or more, no sugar in there, low carb and calorie and marinated with chilli and garlic. I eat them all the time!
Me too, was quite excited but then started thinking that the vinegar etc can't be good for these type of diets!
Saddlebag said:
I eat loads and loads of gherkins. I found a brand in asda, think it's 'Melis' or similar, in the bit where the imported food is. They're a massive jar, about 1kg I think or more, no sugar in there, low carb and calorie and marinated with chilli and garlic. I eat them all the time!

Ooooh, that sounds fab, I don't have an Asda near me, think I'll have to just thoroughly check all of the jars in Tesco!
There was a thread where this was discussed and I am sure someone emailed S&S to confirm picked gherkins but I am not 100% on that! I could possibly be imagining it :giggle:

I have had picked gherkins during my time on S&S. I bought mine from Sainsburys and they did not contain any sugar. My mum bought me a jar from Aldi but I didn't eat them because they contained sugar, she did not realise bless her.
I had a look in Asda this morning post night shift (so wasn't a big look), and there are lower carb ones than Asdas own brand, just have a look at the label.
Lexie_dog said:
I had a look in Asda this morning post night shift (so wasn't a big look), and there are lower carb ones than Asdas own brand, just have a look at the label.

That's fab, thank you!
What do you class as low?

I have cocktail gherkins (i like them as they are crunchy) and they are 5.7 per 100g. How do they compare to the ones you have?


Em x
Asdas own were 14.9g carbs per 100g!

I'd look for 5g carbs or less as low, but that's a personal preference.
I managed to get some in Tesco, Mrs Elmers sweet sour cucumbers, they're 2.6g per 100g!
Thanks for this Lizzy, Mrs Elswood sweet sour cucumbers are lower carb and calorie than the ones I have so I'll be swapping :) Think they have sweetener in but I'm sure they'll be just fine :)