Giving it another go!


Silver Member
Hey girls and guys!

not been around for a while, had a real tough time with general life and my OH and have not been dieting at all for at least a 8 weeks and dread to think how much I have gained.

Will be getting weighed probably in the morning and trying to get back on track, have enough packs to get me the next week out the way and have just been to S&S and placed another order which should be with me on Tuesday (looking forward to trying the water flavourings & mousse)

My OH just went away again this morning and won't be back for 6 weeks, hopefully not at all if I get my way.....

Welcome back Girlsbig and sorry to hear you've had a bit of a tough time of it. At least the OH is gone for the time being and you can concentrate on you again. I'm still here plugging away and trying to lose the last stone. Proving to be quite difficult though as I have stepped up now and the scales don't always play ball these days. You should have some decent losses when you start back though xx
Hi Girlsbig just wishing you good luck. I restart on Wednesday. Sorry to hear you've been through a tough time. Hope all goes well for on your journey xx
Good luck.
Welcome back ,sorry to hear your having a tough time . Your stats are fantastic. xxxx
Hi Girls, thanks for the positive welcome, I didnt end up getting weighed this morning had a hard time getting the kids sorted for school.

Intend to get weighed in the morning and back on track! Had no carbs since breakfast so will have a shake tonight for tea and then start full on in the morning!

Thanks xx
Good Luck GB98!

How'd your day go?