Golden Pork Crunch


Full Member
Evening all.

It may be a bit too late, as I have already eaten them, but what is the general opinion on these as an occasional treat?

I have eaten them before as part of a VLCD. They have about 189 cals per bag, less than 0.1 of carbs, 8.36 fat and 28.36 protien. I ate a bag tonight, and it was very tasty. I ate them instead of ordering a pizza!!!!

I will wee on a stick in the morning to see if it has taken me out of ketosis.

Opinions and comments always welcome.
Funny as i did that in the early stages and didn't seem to affect my weightloss. Sat and ate them along with some pickled onions?! And no I'm not pregnant, ha ha x
Used to eat these when doing Atkins and they were a lifeline as so low in carbs! High in fat tho but time will tell with weigh in! Keep fighting the good fight :)
Thanks muchly for the responses.

Did a pee stick test yesterday and I'm still in ketosis. It was a good pink colour! Weighed this morning, and I have lost 2lbs since the day I ate them. Not too shabby!

I won't have them too often, but it was the most delicious thing to pass my lips in 3 weeks!