Gout - does a low carb high protein diet make it more likely?

Have to say, he's a bit of a hero of mine! :D

I haven't read his books yet but I've watched him lecturing on YouTube and he makes a lot of sense. I really feel I understand what's gone wrong for me over the years SO much better than I did before.

And, perhaps most importantly, I've stopped blaming myself for my own body chemistry. I am one of nature's fat-storers. I was obese practically from the time I started eating solid food and long before I knew what a "diet" was. Given the slightest opportunity, my body stores fat, and I've only added to the problem over the years by starving it to get thin, resulting in even more fat storage as soon as I let up at all. Understanding that I have been the victim in this process rather than the perpetrator has made a heck of a difference to my outlook.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

Anyone who doesn't know about Gary Taubes should definitely check him out.