Green Day Shopping List


Silver Member

I'm starting afresh today after almost 12 months off plan and, in that 12 months, I seem to have forgotten everything I learned on SW! Please can I have suggestions for key shopping list items (bearing in mind I'm doing Green Days only).

I like to try and get most of my shopping at Aldi but also frequent Asda and Tesco so if there are any supermarket specific products to look out for, please let me know.


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Apart from all the staple foods like potatoes, spices, chopped tomatoes etc I always buy...

Linda McCartney red onion & rosemary sausages (free)
Asda vegetable chilli (free)
Asda meat free bolognese (free)
Quorn mince (free)
Quorn chicken pieces (free)
Smash (free) for making spicy bean burgers
Apart from all the staple foods like potatoes, spices, chopped tomatoes etc I always buy...

Linda McCartney red onion & rosemary sausages (free)
Asda vegetable chilli (free)
Asda meat free bolognese (free)
Quorn mince (free)
Quorn chicken pieces (free)
Smash (free) for making spicy bean burgers

That's a great start, thanks. I should have mentioned though that I don't like Quorn or other meat-like alternatives so a couple of those are a no go but I love chilli and totally forgot about the wonder that is Smash so they're now both on the list :)