Grrrrr@me :( I ate!


Gold Member
I didn't think I'd cave in, but I walked to the cooker, saw the tomoto and basil lying there, and thought, I'd rather eat. Couldn't help it. It's about 70g carbs I've had in total then today as I had a bar and a pack, which might still keep me in ketosis. Going to the gym later, that should help I hope.

Having such a blah day :( Got nothing done, may explain why I wanted actual food (am an emotional eater)

So annoyed at myself
Dont beat yourself up about it, whats done is done, If your still going to the gym then thats a positive thing - Get back on track and you will be fine x x
Dont beat yourself up about it, whats done is done, If your still going to the gym then thats a positive thing - Get back on track and you will be fine x x

Thanks weddingslimmer, I needed that chat. I'll get back on track tomorrow. And it was low-ish carb, high protein and only 360 cals, while I work off more than that at the gym, so I should be ok. Tomorrow is a new day

Aw Dreamer, well done on just moving on from it. Well done on your commitment to the gym. I can't get my head into the exercise zone yet, and admire anybody who is working out as well as coping with this diet.
Slinky, I made sure I upped the exercise before the Exante so I was used to it, then I brought it down from 3 sessions a week to just 2 so I'm not overdoing it. But walking is good enough to lose weight :)

And thanks, I have moved on from it, the gym has got my head back in gear :)