Hiya Everyone
Thanks for the supportive messages, lol BG my little cat is bouncing along hehe.
I ain't been on much as me and OH had a looong chat over the weekend....
OH has been very depressed/moody/angry since starting and feeling tired constantly and down he knows it's the diet and even though he isn't hungry he longs just to eat normally, things really came to a head when we were out and about no where caters for ppl on low carb diets, we had a small diet coke and it literally knocked us both out of ketosis which was so disheartening.It seems you tread such a fine line staying in ketosis and the slightest thing knocks you out

Anyway i did agree with him i have been so very tired since starting i have hardley been able to do anything,the dog has had short walks instead of long ones and painting the rest of the living room seems like a neverending task:jelous:.
So the decision was made we would stop the diet

but go on a low cal/healthy low fat diet a bit like we did before but more intense.I know the weight loss will slow down as we are out of ketosis on higher cals but we are making some positive changes and i have taken a lot from the S&S diet.
OH is going to come walking the dog with me which is at least an hour a day, we are getting the bikes back out and as for takeways we have made a pact they are a fri/sat night treat.

The money we save from takeaways/meals out we will use for treats like Lush, new clothes etc....
I have missed cooking as well while being on the vlcd, i enjoyed cooking meals and now i am tasked with getting lots of tasty low fat recipes(dig them back out lol).
We are still on target and are 1lb down since starting this on saturday,there is no naughty things in the house and i don't intend to buy them.

Trouble was before i cooked lots of healthy low cal/fat meals which filled us but maybe 5 times a week we would have takeaway, i don't know why just because we could i guess and couple that with buying unhealthier biscuits,chocs,crisps and choccy yoghurts my OH put on what he lost when we did the diet during summer.
Although i do have a huge box of the S&S bits lol think i will have to ebay them hehe.
As i say we have learned from this diet:
1--There is no sugar now--OH before would have 6-8 cups with 2-3 sugars, now he has spenda.
2-- We only have zero drinks or no added sugar and are still drinking water and less milk.
3-- We are sticking to skimmed milk and not going back to semi-skimmed.
4--OH is enjoying wholegrain cereals now as he can hae splenda on them instead of sugar or sugary cereals.
5-- Chicken and veg is a delicious meal!!
6-- I have done without white bread for weeks and won;t be going back to it only wholemeal or wholegrains.
7--We did without takeways and meals out for almost 3 weeks!! the longest ever so this has spurred us to stop the bad habit and have it as out weekly treat.

8--After being without normal foods we eat for almost 3 weeks we are appreciating food more and something as simple as a bowl of proper porridge is well recieved lol(as i could not stand the s&S stuff

9--Fruit and lots of it, OH is learning all new fruits he is enjoying.
10--fresh cooked meals no ready made pizzas,meals or anything. I have loads of recipes which are low fat i will cook it myself lol.
11-- Breakfast is no longer skipped or an unhealthy croissant with proper butter or pancakes dripping with syrup--- it's wholegrain cereal, wholemeal toast and eggs,porridge or fruit or a fresh smoothie.I am making sure OH has breakfast every morning as he didn't always before, he would go to work and have a large full fat latte where now he enjoys the skinny latte.
I will still be around as you never know we might pop back on it lol.
I am the lightest i have been for a good few years and OH is 5lbs off the 19's which he hasnt seen for about 4-5 years!!!
Still gonna update my ticker and stuff but think a monthly weigh in would be better as i have put us both on my fitness pal intending to drop at least 1lb a week, i am loggin everything we eat and all exercise it is very motivational.So obviously losses will be slower
And omg how much have i missed fruit, i am mental for it and always have a big fruit bowl and it's cherry season now( i eat about 2 packs a day yum yum)and everytime i went shopping i longed for clementines and grapes to eat...my fruit bowl is half full now as we have bene filling up with the rainbow stuff
God got loads of posts to catch up on now lool seems lots of lovey new ppl have joined

I hope everybody else is doing well

Gonna catch up with all your diaries now.
I don't feel this is a bad move we have made or feel angry for giving the diet up, it was working physically but not mentally we were getting stressed and angry and down and that isn't a good state of mind to be in. I feel for us the good old fashioned way of eat less move more is in order, now we have lost that bit of weight the inspiration is there to keep going see what we can do and carry on this healthy eating for life...........
Oooh another long winded post hehe