Half way pics


Full Member
Wow! You look fab, so different!
Slowly maybe but definitely worth it, you must be feeling great! How long has it taken you ask far?
It's taken me 22 months to lose 6 stone so as I said slowly lol but having to cope with head issues as I know it must look better but I don't see it I'm just swing the bad side of losing weight after years of being hugely disgusting :)


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You look totally different (great)! I know what you mean about how you feel in your head though, it's hard to change the image you have of yourself. I'm the same just the other way round. In my head I look how I did when I got married, then I look in a mirror or see a photo and realise how awful I actually look.
Hi, your pics are great, you are doing so well! I am going to join WW on Monday. I weigh roughly the same as you now (won't know exactly until wi but I just went by my own scales), and my target is the same as yours! Hope we can encourage each other to get to our target, keep it up :) x
Hi, your pics are great, you are doing so well! I am going to join WW on Monday. I weigh roughly the same as you now (won't know exactly until wi but I just went by my own scales), and my target is the same as yours! Hope we can encourage each other to get to our target, keep it up :) x

Hope your doing well I had a real bad week but hopefully sorted now :)
Me last night meeting Danny from The Script
Died and gone to heaven me thinks

Hi there! I joined WW today and weighed more than I thought! Oh well, I am here to stay this time, right until target!

I hope you have turned your bad week around?

I am sooo jealous of your pic with 'Danny from The Script'... how, when, where lol?

Deb x
Hi deb

18 months ago I wouldn't have been able to leave the house without panic attack now I went to a script concert and hung around to catch him after
It was a concert in bridlington and I am seriously walking round star struck lol
Yes I managed to turn my week round I think
Put on 3 1/2 last week hopefully some way to losing it this week but in the grand scheme I've list 6 1/2 stone so ...
Welcome anyway :)

Me and my beautiful girlies, my world my life my inspiration my reasons for getting up
In a morning
Well done so far. Its always good for us to remind ourselves of what is our motivation. Keep at it xx
Found different before photo



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Obviously the left side is now ;-)