hello everyone hope your all well 
i was just wondering if anybody has done this diet and managed to loose 8 stone? im half a pound off 3 stone (WI tomoz) so ive got another 5stone to loose :cry:
i know everybody looses weight at different speeds but i was wondering how long it will take to shift another 5 stone?
do you think i will be done by july?
im also feeling really down at the minute not sure if its because im due on or because ive gone so long with out food, ive been 100% but im feeling very annoyed and upset that i seem to be missing out on social events with friends and having tea with my partner, i know its my own fault for getting this big and im so happy ive lost what i have but im just keep thinking i want to eat
and i went to the docs this morning because i still havent been to the toilet ( i posted in another thread) and you know what she said..................i need to come off this!!!!! no oh well done for losing your weight or anything! there quick enough to tell me im over weight but when im doing something about it im told to come off it i just cant win! so that upset me as well :cry:
anyway sorry to be so depressing on a friday night hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Stace xxx
i was just wondering if anybody has done this diet and managed to loose 8 stone? im half a pound off 3 stone (WI tomoz) so ive got another 5stone to loose :cry:
i know everybody looses weight at different speeds but i was wondering how long it will take to shift another 5 stone?
do you think i will be done by july?
im also feeling really down at the minute not sure if its because im due on or because ive gone so long with out food, ive been 100% but im feeling very annoyed and upset that i seem to be missing out on social events with friends and having tea with my partner, i know its my own fault for getting this big and im so happy ive lost what i have but im just keep thinking i want to eat
and i went to the docs this morning because i still havent been to the toilet ( i posted in another thread) and you know what she said..................i need to come off this!!!!! no oh well done for losing your weight or anything! there quick enough to tell me im over weight but when im doing something about it im told to come off it i just cant win! so that upset me as well :cry:
anyway sorry to be so depressing on a friday night hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Stace xxx