HE confusion


Full Member
Hi all

I'm new and trying to get to grips with the new allowances. Would anybody mind posting what the allowances are for red and green also ee

Thanks ?
Sorry but we are not able to do that because it would be a breach of SW copyright. If you are looking for a particular product then the best thing to do is a search on this forum because there have been several threads about the recent changes. Or just ask of course, but we are not abel to give you a full list.

Which HE allowance are you confused about?
No problem?

You can have 250mls semi-skimmed and the skimmed milk allowance has gone up to 375mls

There are loads of cereals on the HEB list. I only use the crunchy bran and that went down from 42g to 35g. Porridge went up to 35g and you don't need to have the scan bran with it any more. But there are lots of threads about cereals so I would just do a search or go for a browse :)