Oh..ummm. Enjoy

That'll last you a couple of years
Right. Got to tell you my news. Concerned that it might sound a little insensitive towards a couple of very brave members

I'm so pleased though I'm sure, but it'll just confirm your belief that I am indeed barmy
Got seen by a junior doctor this morning. ECG, blood tests etc. She then asked me to strip waist up. Decided that I wouldn't do the normal apology for the state of my stomach...explaining how it got that way. I mustn't keep doing that! So I kept quiet.
She prodded and poked. Checking the size of my liver (she said), though I'm pretty sure she wanted to see if she could deflate my lungs by pushing it up enough. Then she felt the pulse in my groin

Didn't like that either:sigh:
Anyway, she didn't look horrified when she saw me half naked. When excess skin isn't bad, it can be a little hard to know what sort of condition it is. The last time I was slim, I was in my teens and my stomach/boobs don't look anything like they did then
So, time to get dressed and answer loads of questions.
Dr: Any recent weightloss?
Me: Well...not recent, but I did lose 8 stone a couple of years ago if that counts.
Dr: (picking jaw up from floor) 8 Stone!!!!????!!
Me: Well yes

(wondering why she looked so shocked)
Dr: But you would expect at least a little excess skin after a loss like that.

Me: You don't think I have much?
Okay...That does sound weird. I just can't tell because it wasn't bad.
Dr: No, not at all

Me: Okay....so you really don't have to be kind. I have no intention of wearing a bikini. My excess skin is my war wound. I'm kinda of proud of it! You can be 100% honest with me.
Dr: Sorry, but I didn't notice anything different compared to other slim ladies your weight.
Oh gosh!! I was so surprised! How come I'm so lucky!