Healthy extras - have to be eaten as part of your 3 meals a day?

Hi all

Just a question I've been thinking about and I've done a search but can't find the answer. Should healthy extras be used as part of your 3 meals a day or is it ok to snack on them in between meals?

So could I have my 40g of low fat cheese in the afternoon or does it need to be with my dinner?

I was just wondering as I started another thread re using cous cous to make porridge, so if I did that I would still have my HEB left so does it matter as what point in the day I consume my HEB?

Hope that makes sense as I'm starting to confuse myself!

no it doesnt matter at all when ur Hexs are eaten. as long as they are weighed out correctly and u have the correct amount of A and B depending on while plan ur following that day :)