Healthy Extras


Full Member
Does anyone know if you can mix n match your healthy extras? Eg your hea is say 30g cheddar or 4 dairylea light cheese triangles so could you have 15g cheddar and 2 triangles or your heb is 5 scan bran or 2 hifi light bars could you have 1 hifi light bar and 2 or 2.5 scan bran. Thanks
On the sw website it says you can, but you have to make sure you are accurate with your weighing and they can't guarantee the symbols by the side so the fibre etc.
I don't see why it should be a problem if you're accurate.
Variety is good for us after all.

I do it a lot - eg 2.5 scanbran and a hifi light (no way I can eat 5 scanbran!).
Also it helps me with keeping syns low - eg I might have a Light Frappuccino from Starbucks which has a bit of skimmed milk in it (so can subtract a couple of syns from the Frappuccino), then top up the Hex with a dusting of Parmesan on my dinner. But you have to be careful doing estimates like that.