Heart Rate Monitor


Mostly harmless
I was going to post this on the xmas thread but it's a bit of a derail so i figured I'd start a new thread

I splashed out on a HRM. Mainly because it counted calories and also could count distance.

I've been using myfitness pal but I really just guessed how far I was walking and I think it would be really helpful to have more precise info.

So if you're interested i got - GARMIN FR60 FORERUNNER they did a nice lilac one on argos but I've got mine off ebay (about £30 cheaper)

Wow had it delivered this morning so tried it out on my walk. Didn't have the usb thing to load the info to the computer though (but I've ordered it from the company :eek:).

Watching the heart rate is fascinating (You have to wear a band round your, well it's supposed to be just under your breast bone but it seemed to be my stomach!).

My normal exercise routine is basically just walking. Although I do have a pretty steep hill to walk up :p My highest heart rate was about 169! but most of the walk between 126-135.

So when I came back, according to the HRM my calories burned were 500 odd. When I'm guesstimating with myfitnesspal it's usually 250 odd.

You programme in your age, weight, height so I assume that it's accurate

although if I'm burning that many calories. I would've expected my weight loss to be a bit more than 1lb & sts's :confused:.

This is my first week on my (slightly) extended walks but even with that I must've been burning about 400cals before.
You have to burn approx 3500 calories extra to your food to burn off 1lb...
Is that taking into account your basil rate or whatever it's called?
My what.....
Sorry for some reason I thought you meant daily instead of weekly duh!

So this is good I didn't know about the 3500 thing. If I start recording from today I can see how close I am each week :) thanks Kes!
no problems... :) hope it works for you...
i does also take into account how slow your metabolism is... so cals burnt sometimes doenst mean you can eat the same amount and get away with it.. if you get what i mean.
Well I'm eating reduced calories anyway, personally I suspect I have a slow metabolic rate :rolleyes: