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Is there a section for this on here or do you just create a thread n it gets placed where it fits best? I had two things I bought from Argos - a mincer - can't seem to find 5% lamb mince so figured - lamb is P free, so if I buy it diced/lamb steak etc I could mince it myself n it stays free (fat off of course). Mincer was weary n didn't work so I took it back. Anyone point me to a reasonably priced mincer? Also bough a small cast iron Heart to House frying pan. No spay yet the best fried egg I ever made
All went well for 2 days (washed gently by hand) then I was making same breakfast n I heard a pop sound - the lining had popped, mixing in with the food
Underneath the pan base was fine). Took it back
So in this vein, anyone got any good items which hep them? I have measuring cups n spoons - anyone got any other things help them?
Also, where do we post if we see Tesco has 2 for 1 on 5% minced pork, for example or Aldi has best price this week on frozen veg? xx
Also, where do we post if we see Tesco has 2 for 1 on 5% minced pork, for example or Aldi has best price this week on frozen veg? xx