New Member
I am so glad that I have found this place!
Now I don't feel so isolated with my weight issues, with only food to turn too for comfort.
Having being plagued with weight issues all my life and after trying every diet (usually successfully but never permanently losing weight), I resorted to LL (full 4 food packs a day) a month ago and paid out the obligatory £75 - £85 a week. I was quite excited at the prospect of losing so much weight quickly.
During my first week I was exemplary and blind to all the temptations surrounding me. I even drank the correct amount of water (I hate water by the way) and even stayed away from the scales (I wanted to be really happy when I got my first week's loss). However, despite looking forward to losing a good amount, as I had been on-plan and dedicated, I was a little disappointed to only lost 6lb despite others losing a anything from 8lb to a stone (in the past I had lost twice that on my first weeks at both SW and WW).
Oh well I thought, may be it's just taking my body a little longer to kick especially as I had already lost a stone at SW a month or two previously. So I set out on week two perhaps with even more determination than on week one - as I was positive that it would show the following week.
Then week two weigh-in came (again I kept away from the scales) and, as I could feel my clothes becoming looser, I was certain I could look forward to a good weight loss. Despite following the plan to perfection, I was devastated at only losing 1/2 a lb - really gutted - and costing £75 it was really hard to keep motivated. However, I read the forums on slimming sites and realised that this happens sometimes so, somehow, I managed to reinforce my determination and kept rigidly on plan for another week. However, I had also decided that, if I had another poor weight loss, I would quit and just give in - it seemed that I was destined to be fat and fifty (I am fifty in 3 years and wanted to be a 'new' person by then)!
Then week three weigh-in came (again I had kept away from the scales, so had no idea what my weight was) and I was euphoric and quite over the moon when I lost 7.5lbs. I couldn't stop smiling and my motivation went through the roof and the £80 I spent that week seemed well worth it - despite the fact that the LL counsellor left us alone quite a bit during the most of the meetings so far - and I focused on the fact that I had now lost just under a stone.
The next week flew by (and again I kept away from the scales) and I was sure that I was now going to enjoy the same rapid weight loss I'd heard of and so I couldn't wait to get to class for the weigh-in. I was not hungry at all during the week and kept firmly on plan but I had experienced an upset tummy (say no more- lol). However, I was absolutely devastated as I did NOT lose anything BUT gained 2lb all at the cost of a further £74!
Now my LL councillor said it was because I had an upset tummy and my body was retaining fluid - which was probably the case - but I left for home feeling absolutely low and with my LL councillor not really giving me the support I think I needed at this point. I had also noticed that she was absent most of the sessions that I had- putting together our food packs - as well as not letting us finish the supporting booklets but jumping to new ones when new members joined (she had also not offered the initial day 3 weigh at the beginning of the LL programme which I thought was obligatory). These things didn't worry so much, when I was losing, but as I had put on, after being so good, I started to feel resentful and they really began to bug me... That was Wednesday this week.
Now joining LL for anyone is a big consideration in today's economic climate as it is a costly endeavour but one which, I felt, was worth it as it not only had health benefits but would also help me look and feel better . Needless to say I sacrificed all the little luxuries in my life in order to join (including selling my beloved MX5 to help finance). Now I just couldn't fathom what I was doing wrong - I follow the plan to the letter - so I spent Wednesday night thinking hard and long and researched LL on the net.
During this research, I found SnS and compared the meal replacements with LL and they seemed a like for like match and the comments were positive both on their site and here. The cost was a fraction of LL and the SnS plan seemed to have all he benefits with the addition of vegetables (which I love). So I summoned up my determination and motivation from the pit of depression and bought a month's worth of 4 meal replacements which I should receive on Monday (24th of Sept). I will plough on and, if the weight comes off slower than expected, I won't be quite so disappointed simply because it is not costing me an arm and a leg!
My plan is to use the LL packs until the SnS come and then move onto these - by the way, thanks for the great tip of buying the men's monthly pack as its cheaper which I picked up the forum here. Also, as I will no longer be able to participate in my LL group, I intend to come on here and write a diary of my thoughts at least once a week (probably after weigh-in which I will be doing every Saturday at Boots. Even if no-one reads it - it will help me get things off my chest and rationalise my ups and downs on this bumpy road of weight loss!
WOW - that's already helped me a lot, and my positivity is back on track! Go girl!
Thanks for the opportunity to spill my emotions on here - it was better than eating that huge Toblerone sitting in the fridge!
Love 'n' light to all!